4th Lesson: Creating customized forms HTML5 and CSS3

You should run your web page under last versions of browsers, because; in this tutorials we will use the CSS3 and HTML5.

Let's first create a new folder and call it (Mail).

In the folder let's create to kind of files HTML and CSS, index.html & style.css.

First : HTML Code:

We need first to create a form that we will styled with CSS.

so the form code will be like this:

<form class="form"> 
    <p class="name"> 
        <input type="text" name="name" id="name" /> 
        <label for="name">Name</label> 
    <p class="email"> 
        <input type="text" name="email" id="email" /> 
        <label for="email">E-mail</label> 
    <p class="web"> 
        <input type="text" name="web" id="web" /> 
        <label for="web">Website</label> 
    <p class="text"> 
        <textarea name="text"></textarea> 
    <p class="submit"> 
        <input type="submit" value="Send" /> 
Each field have there owned class, so each class will have css proprietys.
let's take a look at our form first without any CSS.

Ok let's include the css into HTML, yes we need to link each others:
we need to add linking url into the code at the top and betwin head tags:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">


Let's change style of text fields and text areas, with this codes:

input, textarea { 
    padding: 9px; 
    border: solid 1px #E5E5E5; 
    outline: 0; 
    font: normal 13px/100% Verdana, Tahoma, sans-serif; 
    width: 200px; 
    background: #FFFFFF; 
textarea { 
    width: 400px; 
    max-width: 400px; 
    height: 150px; 
    line-height: 150%; 
input:hover, textarea:hover, 
input:focus, textarea:focus { 
    border-color: #C9C9C9; 
.form label { 
    margin-left: 10px; 
    color: #999999; 
.submit input { 
    width: auto; 
    padding: 9px 15px; 
    background: #617798; 
    border: 0; 
    font-size: 14px; 
    color: #FFFFFF; 

Now it's looks nice.
Save the work and don't miss the next tutorial:

PS: Next lesson will be about how to make this HTML/CSS form sending emails, so don't miss that up and don't lose this work.

Any suggestion leave me a comment or a message.


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